John Scotillo orchestrates corruption in his court room. A church going, well educated, pillar of society, 2 time bar president and a corrupt judge? No matter how u look at it, he has tossed people in jail for the same crime he committed in his court room. First crooked trial for Scotillo-I doubt it, I think this is terrorism to the justice system. Scotillo is the law. Worthy of respect, don't think so.
Exodus 23:1 Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness.
Deuteronomy 5:20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbor.
It don't matter what religion you belong to, they all have the basic same concept of right and wrong.
Ask any;
Palatine cop
Palatine fireman
Palatine inspector
Palatine Historical society
Palatine park district
Palatine public works
Every plumber in town
Every business up and down Colfax, couple large hand full of business on 14
Most every restaurant owner, couple dozen apartment owners, ½ the churches in town,
Hundred or so other business owners, a couple thousand of palatine residential customers,
If that’s not enough move east, west and around. Been doing plumbing around town all my life.
Palatine Police officer Wenrich nor any one, can be creditable in one court room in front of 1 judge then, cross the hall to another court room, another judge, be creditable with complete opposite testimony. To make matters worse, both judges then rule creditable on opposite facts and give high praise the cop that just lied to their face.
This is non stop garbage and every day all that is good, respectful and honorable gets another kick.
Just like plumbers, there are good ones and bad ones, hard to find the good ones.
At the end of the trial the judge Scotillo is smiling, praising all the lawyers and the lawyers are smiling and praising each other for the lies, filth and disgrace that they just got away with. This was just another day, another trial, in the court room of judge John Scotillo.
While they (at this point) stating with Judge Scotillo, Chandra, Andre, Wenrich, Hunter, Tatooles and who ever else in Inverness and Palatine knew about this case, violated every law, oath, creed, code, pledge on the face of the planet………and I guarantee quite a few people knew about this trial. But at the end, they manipulated this case and perpetrated a fraud on me………..and the society.
I thought it was a pretty sick sight……….. if u ask me.
(1) No petition in the record of the case, Brown v. VanKeuren, 340 Ill. 118,122 (1930).
(2) Defective petition filed, Same case as above.
(3) Fraud committed in the procurement of jurisdiction, Fredman Brothers Furniture v. Dept. of Revenue, 109 Ill. 2d 202, 486 N.E. 2d 893(1985)
(4) Fraud upon the court, In re Village of Willowbrook, 37 Ill, App. 3d 393(1962)
(5) A judge does not follow statutory procedure, Armstrong v. Obucino, 300 Ill 140, 143 (1921)
(6) Unlawful activity of a judge, Code of Judicial Conduct.
(7) Violation of due process, Johnson v. Zerbst, 304 U.S. 458, 58 S.Ct. 1019; Pure Oil Co. v. City of Northlake, 10 Ill.2d 241, 245, 140 N.E. 2d 289 (1956); Hallberg v Goldblatt Bros., 363 Ill 25 (1936); (8) If the court exceeded it's statutory authority. Rosenstiel v. Rosenstiel, 278 F. Supp. 794 (S.D.N.Y. 1967)
(9) Any acts in violation of 11 U.S.C. 362(a),IN re Garcia, 109 B.R. 335 (N.D> Illinois, 1989).
(10) Where no justiciable issue is presented to the court through proper pleadings, Ligon v. Williams, 264 Ill. App 3d 701, 637 N.E. 2d 633 (1st Dist. 1994)
(11) Where a complaint states no cognizable cause of action against that party, Charles v. Gore, 248 Ill App. 3d 441, 618 N.E. 2d 554 (1st. Dist. 1993)
(12) Where any litigant was represented before a court by a person/law firm that is prohibited by law to practice law in that jurisdiction.
(13) When the judge is involved in a scheme of bribery (the Alemann cases, Bracey v Warden, U.S. Supreme Court No. 96-6133(June 9, 1997)
(14) Where a summons was not properly issued.
(15) Where service of process was not made pursuant to statute and Supreme Courth Rules, Janove v. Bacon, 6 Ill. 2d 245, 249, 218 N.E. 2d 706, 708 (1953)
(16) When the rules of the Circuit court are not complied with.
(17) When the local rules of the special court are not complied with. (One Where the judge does not act impartially, Bracey v. Warden, U.S. Supreme Court No. 96-6133(June 9, 1997)
(18) Where the statute is vague, People v. Williams, 638 N.E. 2d 207 (1st Dist. (1994)
(19) When proper notice is not given to all parties by the movant, Wilson v. Moore, 13 Ill. App. 3d 632, 301 N.E. 2d 39 (1st Dist. (1973)
(20) Where an order/judgment is based on a void order/judgment, Austin v. Smith, 312 F 2d 337, 343 (1962); English v. English, 72 Ill. App. 3d 736, 393 N.E. 2d 18 (1st Dist. 1979) or
(21) Where the public policy of the State of Illinois is violated, Martin-Tregona v Roderick, 29 Ill. App. 3d 553, 331 N.E. 2d 100 (1st Dist. 1975)
4. Before any determination, there must be a court of complete or competent jurisdiction.
An accessory is a person who assists in the commission of a crime, but who does not actually participate in the commission of the crime as a joint principal. The distinction between an accessory and a principal is a question of fact and degree:
To be convicted of an accessory charge, the accused must generally be proved to have had actual knowledge that a crime was going to be, or had been, committed. Furthermore, there must be proof that the accessory knew that his or her action, or inaction, was helping the criminals commit the crime, or evade detection, or escape. A person who unknowingly houses a person who has just committed a crime, for instance, may not be charged with an accessory offense because they did not have knowledge of the crime. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accessory_(legal_term)
Courts often refer to aiding and abetting as an alternate theory of liability rather than a separate crime. Under 18 U.S.C. § 2, aiding and abetting liability is available in all federal criminal prosecutions; however, the availability and extent of civil aiding and abetting liability varies from statute to statute.
Where available, aiding and abetting liability generally requires three elements: 1) an underlying violation by a principal; 2) knowledge of that violation and/or the intent to facilitate the violation; and 3) assistance to the principal in the violation.
As indicated by the Supreme Court, “In order to aid and abet another to commit a crime it is necessary that a defendant 'in some sort associate himself with the venture, that he participate in it as in something that he wishes to bring about, that he seek by his action to make it succeed.” Nye & Nissen v. United States, 336 U.S. 613, 618 (1949) quoting Judge Learned Hand in U.S. v. Peoni 100 F.2d 401, 402 (2d. Cir. 1938). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accomplice
In some jurisdictions, criminal "facilitation" laws do not require that the primary crime be actually committed as a prerequisite for criminal liability. These include state statutes making it a crime to "provide" a person with "means or opportunity" to commit a crime, "believing it probable that he is rendering aid to a person who intends to commit a crime."[1]
In some jurisdictions, a, although there are exceptions. In some situations, a charge of conspiracy can be made even if the primary offense is never committed, so long as the plan has been made, and at least one overt act towards the crime has been committed by at least one of the conspirators. Thus, an accessory before the fact will often, but not always, also be considered a conspirator. A conspirator must have been a party to the planning the crime, rather than merely becoming aware of the plan to commit it and then helping in some way.
A person who incites another to a crime will become a member of a conspiracy if agreement is reached, and may then be considered an accessory or a joint principal if the crime is eventually committed.
In the United States, a person who learns of the crime and gives some form of assistance before the crime is committed is known as an "accessory before the fact". A person who learns of the crime after it is committed and helps the criminal to conceal it, or aids the criminal in escaping, or simply fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact". A person who does both is sometimes referred to as an "accessory before and after the fact", but this usage is less common. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accessory_(legal_term)
A person may be convicted of aiding and abetting any act made criminal under the code. The elements of aiding and abetting are, generally:
States Attorney and Assistant states
Here we have the maybe 8,000 prosecuted speeding tickets written by Officer Mark Wenrich before, during and after my incident. These tickets have been ruled on / judged by other judges, which contradict this trial judges ruling, the Appellate courts ruling, the arresting officer Mark Wenrich’s testimony in my trial and the arrest report.
The States Attorney office of Cook County and the Assistant States Attorneys have prosecuted the maybe 8,000 speeding tickets written by officer Mark Wenrich, who has sworn under oath the speed limit is 35 mph. But the police report and testimony in my case / trial, state that the speed limit is 40 mph. This is in direct contradiction to maybe 8,000 plus another 100,000 court room convictions in other court rooms, other judges, maybe Scotillo participated in some of these rulings. This would mean another conflict. Surely the States Attorney office of
State’s Attorney of Cook County Richard Devine
Assistant States Attorney Michael Andre
Administrative Services
69 W. Washington,
(312 603-1880
Special Prosecutions
2650 S. California
(773) 869-2715
This was a typical case in which the judiciary demands that citizens obey the law but ignores the law itself. Where the evidence is subjective not objective.The judicial system has shown its ugly corrupt head and mistreated me.
Palatine Police officer Mark Wenrich lied repeatedly and blatantly about matters at the heart of the traffic stop and concerning creditability. He has shown no regret for his actions, which significantly impeded the trial. Unless the whole of the state of
This case/trial is and was full of prosecutor and judicial misconduct, abuse and oppression. There was a failure to disclose favorable evidence and falsifying evidence. False statements were caused by the intentional, reckless and/or negligent acts of the prosecutions office. The State Attorney of Cook County Richard Devine and the Assistant States Attorneys Shari Chandra and Michael Andre intentionally, maliciously and/or . . . recklessly investigated and prosecuted. They took a police report that was factually incorrect from its conception from a police officer who perhaps was intoxicated at the time of the arrest (how else could a person logically explain why the police officer did not know where he pulled me over and the color of the car I was driving unless the police officer was death dumb and blind. To this date there has been no oops, I made a mistake by anyone). This police officer was rated at highly professional and creditable by the courts.
I think there was defamation, interference, civil rights violation, and slander also to me. You call a person that lie's to your face under oath more creditable that a person who tells the truth, to me is ass-a-dine
The States Attorneys office of
The States Attorney office of
The States Attorney office of
The prosecutor’s office is liable for knowingly supervise, participate and assisting Officer Mark Wenrich in his perjured testimony.
This indictment against or other criminal proceedings based on the prosecutor misconduct, abuse and oppression should not have taken place.
Prosecutor misconduct of perjury, threatening and coercing witnesses, concealing, falsifying evidence and oppression was a pattern through out this trial. As a result the associate Judge John J Scotillo, the appellate judges McNulty, P.J., Tully, O’Malley and JJ have now praised, gave honor, creditability and encourage perjury, dishonesty and corruption. I personally don’t think any one who pays such tribute is worth of much.
Exculpatory evidence is the evidence favorable to the defendant in a criminal trial, which clears or tends to clear the defendant of guilt. In many countries such as the United States, if the police or prosecutor has found such evidence, he/she must disclose it to the defendant. The prosecution's failure to disclose exculpatory evidence can result in the dismissal of a case. The opposite is inculpatory evidence, which tends to prove a person's guilt.
A victim is murdered by stabbing and an accused person is arrested for the murder. Evidence includes a knife covered with blood near the victim and the accused found covered in blood at the murder scene by the police. During the investigation, the police interview a witness claiming to have watched the stabbing occur. The witness makes a statement to the police claiming the stabbing was by another unknown person, not the accused.
The police officers statement, testimony and report are exculpatory evidence, since it could introduce reasonable doubt as to the creditability of the police officer. The police officer knew the evidence, report and testimony is not, was not and would be not and never would be a true.
The State's Attorney of Cook County Richard Devine, the
The States Attorney’s office knew by running the plates that the color of the car was not the color of the car on the police report. The color was gold not silver.
So right now,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I have had all my credit cards terminated.
I receive 250 phone calls a day (credit card collection agencies).
Credit card company lawyers suing me.
Yellow page phone book garnished a bank account got $65? The bank charged me $200? for this....... Had no money to pay. The bank closed that account and still seeking funds, so much for that bank account.
Could not make Bank America credit card payments so they, closed my checking account got $23, and are suing me, so much for that bank account.
I can't afford general liability insurance which is necessary for my Illinois plumbers contractors license.
Income for the past 3 months been about `$300.00.
Some one else is paying my phone bill.
Don't have a drivers license.
Don't file income tax any more.
I have federal tax liens against me.
Can't open a bank account, credit is shot, If I did, some one would take every thing, bank will close the account and sue me for the costs of the garnishment. So why bother?
Maybe I look into welfare, food stamps, or something.
No health insurance, no social security, I get sick, tough, I'm sol
I got robed out side of Oklahoma city, took all my Id, don't have any.
Living with a family, not paying rent (how could I), if I aint here I'll go to a shelter.
I'm sure a Palatine cop or 2 or 3 or a few others, higher up the food chain would like to take care of me and if they found the opportunity, I am sure they would give it a try.
Who is right appellate court or traffice court
Associate Judge John J Scotillo, the Appellate Judges McNulty, P.J., Tully, O’Malley and JJ judge John J Scotillo, Palatine police officer Mark Wenrich, the State Attorney of Cook County Richard Devine and the Assistant States Attorneys Shari Chandra and Michael Andre all seem to have no problem with this conflict of testimony, while in other court rooms, in front of other judges the State Attorney office of Cook County and the Assistant States Attorneys prosecute and other judges convict on facts which were contrary to this police report. Other judges have ruled that the posted speed limit on that road is 35mph not 40 mph as given in testimony.
So now we have judges rule constantly contrary to one another, on a simple speed limit sign. Since the appellate court over rules lower judges then every speeding ticket that was a conviction based upon police officer Mark Wenrich’s testimony that the speed limit is 35 mph, must be overturned. All other tickets past present and future. Some one should tell the Illinois Department of Transportation and the Secretary of State of Illinois that the courts cant make up their mind as to what the law is or the law is what ever officer Mark Wenrich says.
The judges that prosecute on facts are correct or the judges who ruled on false facts such as in my case are not correct. Somebody or some judge is not telling the truth and are not creditable.
Associate Judge John J Scotillo, the Appellate Judges McNulty, P.J., Tully, O’Malley and JJ judge John J Scotillo, Palatine police officer Mark Wenrich, the State Attorney of Cook County Richard Devine and the Assistant States Attorneys Shari Chandra and Michael Andre all seem to think they have the right to contradict the 50 thousand or so verdicts from other judges.
The States Attorney office of Cook County and the Assistant States Attorneys Shari Chandra and Michael Andre knowingly accepted that the police officer report was false, inaccurate, misrepresented facts, a lie and unethical.
This was Shari Chandra first trial (talked about after trial when the judge, defense lawyer and prosecuting attorneys were praising them self’s).
Her zealous prosecution and perpetrating a fraud upon the court could be what is taught and the way law schools are training lawyers these days.
The State Attorney of Cook County office and the Assistant State Attorneys interest in the prosecution was to win, and for the unscrupulous, unethical practice to win regardless of the guilt or innocence of the testimony
The Assistant States Attorneys career path could be injured by failing to win, showing the lack of skill as a prosecutor for a lost criminal case, or poor professional judgment in obtaining an indictment which later was dismissed.
The prosecutor's career path is enhanced by being, and being known as "winner", which enables the prosecutor to get more visible cases, and to obtain higher position and compensation in the prosecutor's office. Also, the career path for the successful prosecutor, as we have seen from the past, can go right up to the White House or to the position as Attorney General or as a federal judge at any of the 3 levels (District Court, Circuit Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court).
The loss of a criminal case once commenced through obtaining an indictment can cause a major reversal in a prosecutor's planned career, and with such pressure to succeed, what difference (the prosecutor argues to himself) does it make if the prosecutor cuts a few corners here and there. The defendant is probably guilty, of something, if not the crime for which he/she has been indicted.
I hired additional lawyers to review this case most were appalled by the trial actions. Others had further praise for the parties involved. I used several to argue further in post trial motions. But again and again there was praise from the judge and States Attorney’s office of
Also there is another potential problem
In the pre trial conference (in private), assistant states attorney Chandra, Andre, defense lawyer Tatooles and judge Scotillo reviewed the evidence and clarified the issues in dispute and knowingly knew that any omission of these facts would have been misleading the court, a encouragement of perjury, a unlawful activity. I submit that they all decided to conceal this truthfulness from the court room arguments. Chandra will get her first slam dunk winning case. Tatooles does his brother a favor (mayor of the neighboring town
I do not think an investigation of this close door meeting will reveal any thing. Evidence of this perjury and lawlessness is perfectly clear. Black and white corruption was involved in this case. The case is over, done, gone, why come clean now? Mike Mars is nobody and who will know who cares? There are big stakes here (judicial, prosecutor, attorney and police misconduct) besides now, every one can play the blame game, or continue to skirt around the truth. Non accountability has come to be the American way.
I say this because for some reason the black and white police report was riddled with false information. The states attorney’s office and defense attorneys knowingly knew this was a fraud and the fact that during the trial there was a total absence of this information. The judge, states attorney’s office vigorously praised this cop and my lawyer said nothing, kept his mouth shut about this deception in the trial.
Also there is another potential problem
During this trial, some real facts are different then the facts presented in the court, the lawyers in the case went out of their way to conceal the truth.
How can you call a judge creditable when he praises a cope that lied in front of him?
Or how can you call a judge your honor when activities are less than honorable?
Or how can you call a states attorney creditable when they praise a cop that lied?
Or how can you call a defense attorney creditable when he knew a deception of the court is or was taking place?
Or how can u call a appellate court justices creditable, when they back a judge, and states attorney office that praises a dirty cop?
Actions by the police, my lawyers, prosecutors and judges seem to have violated loads of rules and regulations by which they are sworn to uphold.
This was not the first time the courts violated me but this time it made me a felon.
Can we assume the prosecutor’s office is full of this type of behavior or this is the only case? What about judges? No body complains because they are afraid of the consequences, employment, social circle, or something, again they use only laws that they want to use.
Now there is another question, is this the one and only case they have acted in this judicial miss conduct manor? Or do they do this every day?
Now there is another issue, I find it repulsive that the courts, judges and prosecutors pay tribute to corruption, dishonesty, lawlessness (That is what the courts have ruled in my case). To promote and allow this professional misbehavior of the police and themselves is unfathomable but courts go on, continue day after day. This is surly another nail in the justice system coffin and
Or is it this, my case only and in other trials the letter of law is followed?
None the less, this behavior is an embarrassment to every thing the Law and Order and the criminal justice system has to offer.
Or on Mondays and Wednesdays the letter of the law is followed and on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday it is any thing goes?
If every one else can lie and get away with it, then my equal rights were violated, I should have been given the right to lie as much as the system did. Where are my equal rights to violate the law as others in my case?
Every one in my case and trial are amongst the most self – righteous people in our waning society.
These true charges of conduct unbecoming an officer should be dealt with accordingly, regardless if it is a police officer or officer of the court or the court its self.
I believe lawyers, the States Attorney office of Cook County and the Assistant States Attorneys Shari Chandra and Michael Andre, the Associate judge and the Appellate judges are guilty of the following but not limited to (please note some of these may be repetitive);
Intent to commit crime – this did happen
Intent to perpetrate fraud – this did happen
Knowledge of attorney misconduct – this did happen
Defending against the suggestion of a accusation of wrongful conduct- this did happen
Scope of attorney's duty to disclose- this did happen
Attorney misconduct, duty to report false testimony- this did happen
Disclosure of false statement by police – this did happen
Knowingly supplied a expert witnesses with a false accounting of facts- this did happen
In post-judgment proceedings further deception of the court – this did happen
Duty to report false statements – this did happen
Ethical obligations – non here
Disciplinary complaints – I’m the only one complaining
Disclosure – none here
ARDC, failure to report of attorney malpractice – no one was interested but me
Attorney’s duty to disclose fraud upon the court fraud – no one was interested but me
Permissive disclosure – non in trial
Scope of attorney's duty to disclose – not in this trial
Vicarious disqualification – not here
Post-judgment proceedings, continued to perpetrate this fraud – yes it did
Scope of representation – a miss representation of facts
Appearance of impropriety – you bet
Duty to adequately represent the people of
Duty to report attorney misconduct, see Attorney misconduct – not here
Duty to report professional misconduct, see Attorney misconduct – not here
False statements – all over this case
Misleading the public – all over this case
Impropriety, appearance of, sees Appearance of impropriety – I think so
Incriminating information – the whole case was a fraud
Duty to report misconduct – only me
Lawyer misconduct, see Attorney misconduct
Advocated by attorney but opposed by client – my lawyer knew all the facts, knew about the incorrect police report and the false perjured testimony by the police officer, during the trial I kept asking him about this but nothing was said.
Unauthorized practice of law – every one participated in this,
Misleading statements - many
Misrepresentation of fact or law, duty of lawyer to avoid – no one cared
Material changes in document, duty to advise opposing counsel – well no one told me the game plan, I picked it up at the end that something went wrong, that is why I tried to correct it by further litigation
Adequate representation – not in my case
Continuance – my lawyer was not prepared, he even admitted it
Misleading or deceptive use – my trial was a free for all
Conflict of interests – my lawyer’s brother is mayor of neighboring town that relies on
Fairness to, negotiations – not in my case
Perjury, see false statements – throughout the trial
Preparation of, inadequate representation – yep my legal team
Scopes of representation – lawyers are club members, defendants are nothing but income
Adequate Preparation by attorney inadequate representation - absolutely
Rules of professional conduct – were non here
Scope of duty to disclose – what duty
Professional judgment – a joke
Appearance of impropriety – not to the courts or prosecutors
Disciplinary action – probably not, it’s all a club
File and disclose ARDC complaint – only me
The police officer as a witness should have been disqualified because of the perjury and other actions
Zealous representation of prosecution, truthfulness to opposing counsel, - was not here
Made improper extrajudicial statements – very much
Lack of professional integrity in the fullest sense of those terms – this was done by all
Mindful of our obligations to the administration of justice, which is a truth-seeking process – did not take place in my trial
Deceiving the court subverting the truth finding process – absolutely, every one did this, even the judges
Quality of justice, personal conscience, professional responsibilities, and exercise of sensitive professional and moral judgment guided by the basic principles underlying the rules, legal profession is unique in this respect because of the close relationship between the profession and the processes of government and law enforcement. Lawyers play a vital role in the preservation of society – not in this case
Failure to comply with an obligation or prohibition imposed by a rule is a basis for invoking the disciplinary process. The rules presuppose that disciplinary assessment of a lawyer's conduct will be made on the basis of the facts and circumstances as they existed at the time of the conduct in question and in recognition of the fact that a lawyer often has to act upon uncertain or incomplete evidence of the situation – the police report written at the time of the arrest, which was the basics of every thing is factual incorrect and the fact that other judges have ruled so
Knowingly knew, and promoted fraudulent - The States Attorney office of Cook County and the Assistant States Attorneys Shari Chandra and Michael Andre, my defense team and the judges are guilty of this
Inadequate preparation – this was my lawyer
Falsify evidence or counsel or assist a witness to testify falsely - The States Attorney office of
Make a false statement of material fact - The States Attorney office of
Assisting a criminal or fraudulent act by police officer Mark Wenrich.
A statement of another person that the lawyer knows is false.
Misrepresentations can also occur by failure to act – this occurred in my trial, case
Assisted Officer Mark Wenrich’s crime or fraud. – is what the States Attorney office of
Conceal or knowingly fail to disclose that which [the lawyer] is required by law to reveal – what law, there is no law in these court houses
Adult Probation Officer, Interstate Compact Unit, Darla Foutz
The first and only first year of my 3 year probation was IPS (intensive probation service). In this first year I had to complete the following successfully. One slip up and I would be in violation and in jail;
$5600 in court fines
$1200.00 in probation fees
750 hours of community service (3 hours per session x 250 days) 1300 hrs served (my probation was at a bar (Amvets), they needed additional free labor. They gave me certificate of gratitude and thanks.
8.5 months at an alcohol treatment center (4 hour sessions x 4 days per week)
Check in with the judge every 3 months (4 times a year) x 3 years
Check into the probation department 2 times a week (2 times a week x 52 weeks = 104)
Phone into the probation department 3 times a week (3 times a week x 52 weeks = 156)
Receiving phone calls from cook county probation dept (7 times a night x 52 = 2555) x 3 years
7 am to 7 pm curfew 5 days a week
Total curfew week ends
Not permitted to leave the county
I completed this “intensive probation service”. I am now on regular probation. I paid 4 lawyers to represent myself. My case has been appealed to a higher court and we are waiting for a decision. On the 14 of August I could have lawyer # 3 be in front of the sentencing judge for a document stating that I am no longer on IPS and that I have successfully meet all the obligations set before me by the court.
My current adult probation department probation officer is George Hernandez at 847-818-2362.
Thank you,
Mike Mars
Probation officer's in Illinois knew of this illegal activity. They don't care. The wicked witch probation officer I had in Arizona did not care. No one cares.
After making my transfer to Arizona, I started to set up shop, I started a corporation, I acquired workman’s comp and general liability insurance. I studied the residential and commercial plumbing laws of
I did all sorts of work for CMC, all over the valley.
These were rotten people, first month I was at this cmc, they were plotting to kill a guy who wanted to get paid for painting like a 1/2 mile of curb at a complex. I kept saying, the guy just wants to get paid, so why don't you just pay him....... he made to much, some thing like that was the answer. Mario had the Italian friend by the name of Louie Caruso, Glendale Az,, from Chicago, move to California then to Arizona (I wast told, he spent time in a fed pen in California, by Mario and that he was apart of organized crime, his right hand man is bald with a tatoo over every inch of his body?). As far as I know they killed him or mugged him as to not want any money. I told the probation officer about this and more, she did not care.
see my az dirt blog, (I got 46 blogs and growing to work on, so I might not have every thing I want to say on the blog when you might want to look at it (or any blog, for that mater))
Observing all the hood winks that these guys are getting away with.
One time I saw Mario pick a garden hose that was laying in the sewer and fill the water cooler with it. I said what are you doing? They’ll never know. After that I make sure I filled the water cooler bottle with clean water from a clean receptor.
After about 7 months I needed to get some money (past 2 years no income in Illinois, surviving on credit cards, which are maxed out) this led to arguments. They owed me about $25,000, gave me a paid in full check for about $4,300, take it or leave it. I tore it up, gave it back to them. (took photo of the check (see below)).
Then they threw me out, of their house, shop and office, In the process stealing and looting all of my belongings (business and personal)
I was sleeping under the van, in the desert. My main meal became cactus pads and water, when I could find it.
Telling the probation all of this, she was very hostile toward me and made my life much worse. Another rotten person, that can carry a gun and has authority.
I took several jobs with plumbing contractors. The best one only lasted a month, she made me quit cause I was making plumbing wages, which were 3 times hers. I worked for 2 more plumbing companies. In the end they ended up screwing with wages and not paying for supplies that I would purchased with cash at home depot or suppliers.
I managed to get back to
Then I find out that when I was in
This "crap" was 1 of 3 legal matters that were going all at the same time. Apparently, the yellow book phone directory was suing me. During the sales meeting that led to this mess, I apparently signed for 2 phone book advertising areas each one was about $3,500 ($3,500 x 2 = $7,000).
The one phone book, I wanted.
The other I didn't (why would I travel 50 miles for a free estimate? How could I spend 3 hours travel time - 2 hour on the job (lets say rod out a sink line for set price) be competitive and make money, I just can't. So what we agreed to is that I would sign this other contract (for the simplicity if I chose to go this rout the sales man would have all documentation. I was to be a no go unless I called. I never called to proceed with the this second book. He never called me. I paid the first book in full. I paid only 2 payments on the not wanted (disputed) directory (I figured I will take most (2/3) responsibility, they should take 1/3) I told the in-house collection about this, they said no, no, no. Sued me. They got a default judgment on be (this conviction/probation in Scotillo's, was worse than jail), I tried to handle all these attacks at the same time as best as I could) The yellow book lawyer garnished my bank account that was used to pay the previous yellow book payments. They got $74 and the bank charged me $150 (which I did not have, even if I did, why would I refund that account) and closed the account.
I had a accountant, lawyer, who made a phone call to the attorneys representing yellow book, trying to make some type of deal, so I could settle. They said no.
My probation was transferred to Arizona. Apparently I was served with warrants 10 times, by process servers (cops making more money on the side) from the Rolling Meadows Court house. I come back and I was served another time.
I went to court, I wanted to tell the judge about the corruption of the yellow book attorney, court deception etc. but nobody would let me. I wanted to bring up the penalties for false serving, which for one, could be dismissal of the suite (if I read that right).
I told the yellow book lawyer I had a bank account in Arizona, balance about $23, I got this company that owes me $23,000. prior to Arizona. She did not care about this also, just wanted a couple pounds of my flesh.
I guess i have arrest warrant for me on this "crap".
4 years now, no income, I don't even file tax documents, IRS put tax liens against me as soon as I was un able to pay past tax bill payments.
I have see this all to many times, a Judge is going to order me to pay, I have no means to pay, now I am in contempt of court, a judge once said to me, come tomorrow with your tax returns or your going to jail (re previous tax matters from the Carter years... I just went underground and no longer filed tax documents for 15 years (see that story on my welcome blog))
Now lets go into another crap trial. About the same time as these other 2 cases were beating me up, I had a third. In McHenry county. I hit a gas line year or so earlier, and they were suing me. Well on that case, figuring lawyers were honest (another mistake), the lawyers for the gas company would show evidence of the damage gas line and the locations markers. I was in the clear, the markers were about 3-4 fee off. The state law provided protection from the contractor in such cases. The makers can only be with in a 3 foot margin of error (1.5 feet each side of the actual pipe, cable or line). I thought the judge would see this and there was no sense telling the judge what state law is, so I am in the clear with that.
I was found guilty by default, and a $3,000 judgment was awarded against me.
Now these people wanted what ever was left of me. I hired another lawyer... from McHenery (who I hired to go in front of Scotillo re;Arizona matter... so this would be defense lawyer 5) to try to settle with the gas company lawyer, he did, ended up taking the last of my money.
BGA Report -- Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 “Patent Malarkey”: Public Dishonesty and Deception
This document is not to be reproduced without the express written permission of the Better Government Association. Extra copies of the BGA reports are available for $10 upon request.
Rosenthal went on in the article to elaborate on Bratcher’s points given at the press conference, attacking Channel 5’s Dave Savini. Rosenthal describes the merits of the Palatine Task Force and discredits the informants involved with Lead 80. “Aviles, along with many other people, talked to police about the case, but his �information’ was exhaustively investigated and was discredited. Aviles was not a �key informant’ and what he told police simply was not true.”
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