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Judge John Scotillo has no respect, allegiance and love for the United States of America, if he and those I accuse, did love this country, why would he or they, do or be apart of these thing that destroy it?
Cops lie, lawyers lie, politicians lie, judges lie, sets a bad example, with this comes broken promises, unfilled commitments, empty words. This is a example why Americans are not welcome around the world as once upon a time. And it was not you or me that caused this, but we put the people in charge that did this. I am sorry to say, I guess we are equally at fault.
Nothing will change until we as individuals, as a city, as a state or as a country, change from this path of deception and deceit.
It seems also that a lot of people don't seem to care any more, they see corruption of their peers that seem to be winning all the time, only way to get ahead, younger people especially. They figure if the establishment can get away with it so can we.
Which has fed a countless cycle of things we don't want. I think if people and kids start seeing a more responsible and honest government, peers, then they will start duplicating what they see on the good side, also.
just little ole me, typing away on my blogs........ my last edits for the evening
Does every judge have a Scotillo day?
and how often?
Judge John Scotillo has no respect, allegiance and love for the United States of America, if he and those I accuse, did love this country, why would he or they, do or be apart of these thing that destroy it?
Cops lie, lawyers lie, politicians lie, judges lie, sets a bad example, with this comes broken promises, unfilled commitments, empty words. This is a example why Americans are not welcome around the world as once upon a time. And it was not you or me that caused this, but we put the people in charge that did this. I am sorry to say, I guess we are equally at fault.
Nothing will change until we as individuals, as a city, as a state or as a country, change from this path of deception and deceit.
It seems also that a lot of people don't seem to care any more, they see corruption of their peers that seem to be winning all the time, only way to get ahead, younger people especially. They figure if the establishment can get away with it so can we.
Which has fed a countless cycle of things we don't want. I think if people and kids start seeing a more responsible and honest government, peers, then they will start duplicating what they see on the good side, also.
just little ole me, typing away on my blogs........ my last edits for the evening
Does every judge have a Scotillo day?
and how often?