How come, obstruction of justice, a cover up, perjury, false documents, organized crime, terrorism, bribery, is not a equal opportunity punishment crime? Written law in reality meanswhat? Ethics or a judicial cannon means nothing to a lot of people.

My lawyer (the mayors brother), knew that the Palatine cop's report was false and that the cop's testimony was perjury. My Lawyer (the mayors brother) aided in the obstruction of justice. Mayor Mullins, Mayor Tatooles, Mayor Schwnatz got my "email", along with 5,500? others.

My lawyer was a judge Scotillo's law bar president. The judge ruled his x bar president, mayors brother, incompetent. Must have been part of the game. To look look important. If the judge rules a lawyer incompetent (before the trial began), I would think, I should have the right to get a lawyer that was competent. But it don't work that way, it's all a game playedon saps like you and me.

The office of the Cook County States attorney's office (Dick Devine), prosecutor Chandra and co prosecutor Andre, new before hand, the cops testimony was perjury and the police report was false. Did they all lie and mis led the grand jury?

I hired, lawyer # 1, (x president of the judges law bar, mayors brother), lawyer # 2 (governor of the judges law bar), lawyer #3 (maybe he is not a governor?), Lawyers # 4 and 5 (to do the appeal), lawyer # 6. None of them could tell Scotillo nor the mayors brother, nor the prosecutor, nor the cop, that they have made a mockery out of the criminal justice system. Or say, they should be ashamed of them selfs. They created a "you owe me" Scotillo. BesidesAlveraz is the matriarch of the Chicago bar and Scatillo's wife the matriarch of her law bar. If the judge tells you to threw a case or your not going to practice law, I guess a sleaze ball lawyer, has to obey.

I contacted every federal judge down town, every lawprofessor in Illinois, no body cares, but me? The law has no respect for the law. The government has no respect for the government.

The cops were high on drugs during court, or plain & simple, knew there were no penalties for his criminal conduct. The appellate court praised Scotillo for praising a cop (Wenrich) that lied to his face...... who's the fool?

The cop didn't know the color of my car, the road he's on, the town he's in, higher than a kite. All the other cops went along with it. Hunter was sitting right next to him (top state DUI cop, but could not tell Wenrich was tripping out of his mind, the surveillance video should prove this (I told Tatooles, but he didn't care). The shift commander? is now the Chief of Inverness. The chief I think was the one who's kid torturedsome one, into a false confession with Alveraz, Madigan, the mayor, village council, council of the council, village manager approval, shoot, it seems with every ones approval. Authorized human right violations. Obama and Durbin, didn't say any thing, i guess it's OK with them. Does it not make them accessories to torture? Madigan and the mayor of Palatine are for sale, call it a campaign contribution or a consulting fee. Blogo talks about it and goes to jail. Like I said in a post, blago should have beenMayor of Palatine.

I think email about a cover-up and obstruction of justice adds federal crimes, to the whole mix. But then, I contacted theFBI, they don't care also.

One of the village council members emailed me and said he don't like my blogs..... not going to change a thing, but don't like my blogs, same with the manager there has been email between the manager and village council. There were a few other return communications. with in the 5,500 emails.

a few visitors came from
this site and this site and this site

5 years go by, nothing changed, except more lies, false documents and perjury, if this ain't terrorism, organized crime, than what is? The Gov and his crime commission are accessories. Senator Obama nor Durbin cares, nor the 98 others. I contacted them all.

Just think, this crap, goes on every day, day in and day out, non stop. The damage to our society, our nation, the world, is incompressible. You think the village manager is clean?

I think it's important to be honest, truthful, respectful, to know right and wrong, to be kind to others, neighborly and helping others is a good thing. It seem, I'm just about the only one that thinks this way and I will keep thinking this way. Just because every one else is a crook, has no morals, dishonest, that don't mean I have to be or, the next guy.

This nonstop corruption of law, will be the death of the very society, which law is to protect. If you ask me, this is terrorism, organized crime.

What does a person do, to report a crime? Contact a cop? Contact the village council? Call the mayor? Contact theCounty states attorney? Contact a judge? Contact a federal judge? Contact the attorney general? Contact the gov? Contact a law school? Contact the senators? Contact the FBI?I CONTACTED THEM ALL and nothing. Most every thing I blog about is public information. You don't need to be a rocket scientist for the rest. A dirt bag is a dirt bag, Plain and simple.

The Palatine Police must have arrested 20,000 or more, people since my arrest. With village, prosecutors, and judicial approval of this disgraceful conduct, I wounder how many other crooked trials, perjured testimony? Just because a cop, States attorney and judge may choose to lie in court, it still don't make it right,

evidence of a crooked D.A., provided by a crooked cop, testimoney

Scotillo hides exculpatory evidence not me, welcome to Illinois, just another day in the Cook County Court system.

Scotillo knew that the evidence presented to him by a Palatine cop was false, took no action.

I contacted and provided more court certified, indictable, criminal evidence than the FBI did Blagojevich (once a Cook County Assistant State's Attorney) to Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan and her father,

Obama and Dick Durbin, Anita Alvarez's offices were also contacted, months ago.

Lack of action is called accessory to obstruction of justice, a criminal conspiracy, a cover up, makes them criminals also

all of this for what? protect a couple cops high on drugs?

Anita Alvarez's office and Scotillo plays double standard. Assistant cook county prosecutors Chandra and Andre, knowingly presented facts to the court that were false. I believe Scotillo knew these facts were false also. Others judges have ruled these facts were false, Scotillo may have ruled these facts false, in cases before and after.

I think any one with a uniform and badge, get's a bias of honest, credible, replicable person. When in fact they are some of the most despicable groups on the face of the earth but also it also has a lot to do with the person. I would like to think there are lawyers, prosecutors and judges that do not play double standard and are very serious about these matters. Like good plumber and bad plumber thing or good mechanic and bad mechanic thing.

After 5 years, since my trial, these cops and cook county prosecutors and judges, go about business, like nothing is wrong. Looks like organized crime with a badge.

If you or I made a false report like Palatine cop, Wenrich, then willfully presented facts to the court knowingly wrong during testimony, we would be arressted.

If a cop suspected you or I were on drugs, we would be arrested and have to prove we were not.

It was known at the time of arrest that Palatine cop Wenrich was on some type of drug.

Where does a cop get drugs? Maybe he was on some type of mind altering "no doze?"

Palatine got a CSI now, can you imagine the corruption there, they all know that any report right or wrong, would be deemed as truthfull and not questioned. Scotillo gives the green light for false reports and the appellate court agrees. Maybe Wenrich and his buddies in the force get the drugs from CSI, I don't think so, I would say evidence room or shake down. When I was in treatment, I heard stories about the cops in town that would make a person barf and barf and barf.

Any one think this was the only false report and testimoney by Wenrich....... that Scotillo knew about...... that the DA knew about?.............. not for one second, maybe the only false report a retired supreme court justice new about (I wounder if the judge called the police department or any one in the village, saying you owe me one). It was my long belief that Scotillo some how did.

Wenrich, Hunter, the prosecutors, judges are still on active duty with no consequences of their criminal activities.

If Scotilo, Wenrich and the host of others, did not have the badge and were regular folk, they would be in jail.