Judge Scotillo is a reprensentation of a fractual pattern of corruption, besides corruption being illegal, it might be a disease
I have allowed, he and his group of comrades, to prove it and that they did. In their own mind think they see nothing wrong, with themselves.
How can the dirt, corruption, contempt, perjury, tampering with evidence, knowingly providing false documents, obstruction of justice, bla, bla, bla, be supreme or honorable?
Unless Webster's dictionary or Wikipedia is wrong, Scotillo and his buddies, do not represent honor in any way shape or form.
I choose Wikipedia's honor any day, rather than what ever Scotillo's definition is.
Scotillo and his band of thugs are a disgrace to the code of ethics (see below or another blog or look up judicial ethics).
How can simple words have such different meanings?
How long can he and his fractal ideological, buddy system continue?
How can the dirt, corruption, contempt, perjury, tampering with evidence, knowingly providing false documents, obstruction of justice, bla, bla, bla, be supreme or honorable?
Unless Webster's dictionary or Wikipedia is wrong, Scotillo and his buddies, do not represent honor in any way shape or form.
I choose Wikipedia's honor any day, rather than what ever Scotillo's definition is.
Scotillo and his band of thugs are a disgrace to the code of ethics (see below or another blog or look up judicial ethics).
How can simple words have such different meanings?
How long can he and his fractal ideological, buddy system continue?