I have no drivers license for since 2003
I have no income since 2003
I was convicted of a felony DUI,
Chances of driving again is slim, next to nothing
Chances of having a income above or at, poverty level is next to nothing.
I spent all my money, every thing I had on defending my self against cops that were out of their mind, hallucinating during my arrest. It is right there, court evidence, on the police report. The nature of these crimes allows it to have no statue of limitations.
Judge Scotillo and his law bar, his boss Urso, defense lawyers Tatooles, Breslin, appellate lawyer, Glasgow, mayor Mullins, Schwantz, Tatooles, the Palatine and Inverness village councils, police departments, Village attorneys, the Illinois, Cook County, Arizona, Maricopa probation departments, Cook County States prosecutor Alverez and her law bar, Durbin, assistant attorneys Chandra, Andre, Every law School teacher, in the State of Illinois, every federal judge in the US court northern District of Illinois, every chief judge in every cook county court house, Senator Obama, Devine Burris, attorney general Madigan, governor Quinn, the Illinois reform commission, a lot of local elected officials, every us senator, in all about 5, 000 judges, prosecutors, senators, elected officials law teachers, lawyers, Federal, state, county and municipal employees, police departments, law enforcements agencies, fbi
During my probation, I reported to the authorities, extortion, auto theft, insurance fraud, conspiracy to commit murder, mayhem, immigration fraud, labor law violations, wage tampering, osha violation, wire fraud, Rico concerns, but judge Scotillo, and others cared not. Interstate crimes, wire fraud concerns no one.
Those I have contacted chose to become a willing accessory to many crimes in the commission but not limited to the cover up of obstruction of justice and to encourage criminal activity of the courts, state, county local governments, law enforcement.
Those I have contacted chose to ignore their public, civic, moral duty, their higher education, a code of ethics
Those I have contacted chose to plunder, rape, twist, manipulate, alter, destroy, weaken, cut apart.
In my trying to have a equal accountability, of the law, to get some one to have respect for the rule of law, I have lost every thing I had
The law is what ever the fraternal order of police, the law bars, the legislators want it to be, it’s a free for all, no accountability, no responsibility, no respect.
I have no ability to create a income, hold a job. I would like a trial by jury.
And people wounder why the Olympic committee did not want the Olympics in Chicago, To me, and the rest of the world, it's a no brainer