I would not trust judge Scotillo for 2 cents
I am a guy who normally trusts every one (unfortunately, I have found this to be very dangerous, but, still I do, I give to much benefit of the doubt). but Judge Scotillo has proved beyond a shadow of doubt, that even regardless of his black robe, he is as crooked as can be.
these blogs provide enough evidence to remove him as a judge,
have all his judgments re examined
and should be enough to send him and his buddies to jail
Certainly a disgrace to the already low standards of all the judge I have contacted . that see no problem throwing others in jail for the same crimes, Scotillo and the D.A.'s office committed.
This simply shows the world the real composition, back bone, what a lot of judge are made of and it aint pretty.
Maybe Scotillo, or his wife's legal bar (located in Palatine) has something to do with the corruption in Palatine and that is why he has a obligation to obstruct, cover up, aid and abet.
or Did Scotillo have any thing to do with the other judges property in Palatine, that turned into a major development? You know, the one off of Quinten?
or Maybe someone in Someone's family had a problem, maybe with ? and Palatine let him go?
What is Scotillo's connection with Palatine, in which he would go to great length to cover up a Palatine cop high on drugs during a arrest.
and or Scotillo's obstruction of justice is just a normal function of the buddy system the happens every day regardless of location?
How many D.A.'s, prosecutors, judges, law enforcement and lawyers have looked at these blogs? Probably looking at ways to arrest me?
We could get the ip address of every one that has visited my blogs and ask them a few questions.
All I wanted was a cop to tell the truth. Still won't do it. How far will the criminal justice go to protect one of their own on a simple traffic stop, I got a feeling much farther. Look at all the people that ended up missing and or dead, that hung around Bill Clinton. http://www.stewwebb.com/Hillary_Clinton_Murders_March_27_2007.htm
these blogs provide enough evidence to remove him as a judge,
have all his judgments re examined
and should be enough to send him and his buddies to jail
Certainly a disgrace to the already low standards of all the judge I have contacted . that see no problem throwing others in jail for the same crimes, Scotillo and the D.A.'s office committed.
This simply shows the world the real composition, back bone, what a lot of judge are made of and it aint pretty.
Maybe Scotillo, or his wife's legal bar (located in Palatine) has something to do with the corruption in Palatine and that is why he has a obligation to obstruct, cover up, aid and abet.
or Did Scotillo have any thing to do with the other judges property in Palatine, that turned into a major development? You know, the one off of Quinten?
or Maybe someone in Someone's family had a problem, maybe with ? and Palatine let him go?
What is Scotillo's connection with Palatine, in which he would go to great length to cover up a Palatine cop high on drugs during a arrest.
and or Scotillo's obstruction of justice is just a normal function of the buddy system the happens every day regardless of location?
How many D.A.'s, prosecutors, judges, law enforcement and lawyers have looked at these blogs? Probably looking at ways to arrest me?
We could get the ip address of every one that has visited my blogs and ask them a few questions.
All I wanted was a cop to tell the truth. Still won't do it. How far will the criminal justice go to protect one of their own on a simple traffic stop, I got a feeling much farther. Look at all the people that ended up missing and or dead, that hung around Bill Clinton. http://www.stewwebb.com/Hillary_Clinton_Murders_March_27_2007.htm