A lifelong resident of the Southwest Side, Alderman Burke graduated from Quigley Preparatory Seminary in 1961 and earned his Bachelor's Degree from DePaul University in 1965. He received his Juris Doctor Degree from DePaul University College of Law in 1968 and was admitted to the Illinois Bar that same year.
Alderman Burke and his wife, Anne, a Justice of the Illinois Supreme Court, are the parents of four children: Jennifer, Edward, Sarah and the late Emmett. The Burkes are also the permanent guardians of Travis. http://www.ci.chi.il.us/city/webportal/portalContentItemAction.do?blockName=Ward14%2fContent&deptMainCategoryOID=-536883658&entityName=Ward14&topChannelName=Ward&contentOID=536898238&Failed_Reason=Invalid+timestamp,+engine+has+been+restarted&contenTypeName=COC_EDITORIAL&com.broadvision.session.new=Yes&Failed_Page=%2fwebportal%2fportalContentItemAction.do&context=dept
This would explain why when a Illinois supreme Court justice, phoned me (to help me? (I think he was the judge in charge of the Blogo kick out of office scam)), turned away and let Scotillo's obstruction of justice ride, I mean if Scotillo paid fellow supreme court justice Burks husband $10k for the judgship years ago....... Scotillo could always nail the Burks any time he feels, aint this black mail? But then, Scotillo could be nailed for offering a bribe to get his judge job, so leave dead dogs lay or I wont tell if you don't tell.
Burke the boss of Chicago's City Council, he's the person that slates all the judges in Cook County.With all judges in Cook County members of the Democratic Party, that makes Ed Burke the boss of the judicial branch.No man in America has more unchecked power than Alderman Burke with his control of the tax code in Chicago and the judicial branch of government. http://nalert.blogspot.com/2008/03/chicago-democrats-and-chicago-mob.html
Hey, there is so much crap associated with my arrest, I am afraid to search on Google for anything any more, I'm sure to find another twist or something.
It seems to be hard to find a judge that will honor, respect, hold a high standard for law, right and wrong. I'm sure their out there, but far and few between.
Judge Scotill aint one of em. I let him and many others, know that the cops lied, presented false evidence D.A.'s office lied, knowingly and willinly obstructed justice and the x president, and governor of his wifes law bar aided in the cover up.